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Ernst, Stephan

LC control 88010403
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingErnst, Stephan
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Other standard no.0000000083447342
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeWürzburg (Germany)
Birth date1956-10-26
Place of birthFrankfurt am Main (Germany)
Field of activityChristian ethics--History--Middle Ages, 600-1500
AffiliationBayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Profession or occupationTheologians Religious educators
Found inGewissheit des Glaubens, 1987: t.p. (Stephan Ernst)
Sola ratione, 2009: t.p. (Stephan Ernst) back cover (Dr. theol.; born 1956)
Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Theologische Ethik - Moraltheologie website, viewed July 14, 2017: link to Personen page (Prof. Dr. Stephan Ernst; born 1956 in Frankfurt am Main; joined the faculty at Würzburg on April 1, 1999; author of Gewissheit des Glaubens)
German Wikipedia, viewed July 14, 2017 (Stephan Ernst; born October 26, 1956, in Frankfurt am Main; Catholic theologian)
Lombardus, Petrus. Sententiae in quatuor libris distinctae = Vier Bücher der Sentenzen, c2024: t.p. (Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Stephan Ernst)
Associated languageger