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Jagemann, Hans C. G. von

LC control 88011043
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJagemann, Hans C. G. von
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Variant(s)Von Jagemann, Hans C. G.
Jagemann, H. C. G. von (Hans C. G. von)
Jagemann, Hans Carl Günther von
Field of activityGermanic philology
AffiliationHarvard University
Profession or occupationCollege teacher
Found inLa Motte-Fouque, F. Undine, eine Erzählung, 1889: t.p. (Hans C.G. von Jagemann, prof. of Germanic philology at Harvard Univ.)
LC database, Oct. 29, 2013 (hdg.: Jagemann, Hans Carl Günther von; usage: Hans C.G. von Jagemann; H.C.G. von Jagemann)
Associated languageeng