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Baldus, Edouard, 1813-1889

LC control 88012114
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBaldus, Edouard, 1813-1889
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Baldus, Edouard-Denis, 1813-1889
Baldus, Edouard Denis, b. 1820
Baldus, Eduard, 1813-1889
Other standard no.Q71244
Associated countryFrance
LocatedParis (France)
Birth date1813-06-05
Death date1889-12-22
Place of birthGrünebach (Germany)
Place of deathArcueil (France)
Profession or occupationPainters
Found inTrains, 1984: p. 5 (Edouard-Denis Baldus, 1813-1882)
Daniel, M.R. The photographs of Édouard Baldus, c1994: p. 255, etc. (b. Eduard Baldus, June 5, 1813 in Prussia; changed spelling to Édouard after moving to Paris; although frequently referred to in modern photographic literature as Édouard-Denis Baldus, no instance found in which Baldus or others used this appellation during his lifetime) p. 96 (d. Dec. 22, 1889)
Ltr. from Malcolm Daniel, Assistant Curator, Dept. of Photographs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, July 8, 1995 (research on Baldus indicates that correct name is Édouard Baldus; b. June 5, 1813; d. Dec. 22, 1889)
LC manual auth. cd. (Baldus, Édouard Denis, b. 1820), 20 Dec. 2024 (Édouard Baldus; Édouard Denis Baldus; b. 5 June 1813 in Grünebach; d. 22 Dec. 1889 in Arcueil; painter and photographer born in Prussia and naturalized French citizen)
Not found inDict. de biog. française, 1948; Didot. Nouv. biog. générale, 1855.