LC control no. | nr 89004842 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd, approximately 699-approximately 761 |
Variant(s) | ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd, ca. 699-ca. 761 Baṣrī, ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd, approximately 699-approximately 761 عمرو بن عبيد عمرو بن عبيد، approximately 699-approximately 761 |
Birth date | 0699~ |
Death date | 0761~ |
Special note | Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project. Non-Latin script references not evaluated. |
Found in | Sayyid, M.Ṣ.M. ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd wa-ārāʼuhu al-kalāmīyah, 1985: p. 17 (Abū ʻUthmān ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd ibn Bāb al-Baṣrī) p. 19, etc. (b. 80 H; opinions differ as to his death date; it was possibly between 142 and 144 H) Brockelmann (ʻAmr b. ʻUbayd; Abū ʻA. oder Abū ʻOt̲mān b. Bāb; d. 244/858, n.a. 245 [i.e. 144/761; n.a. 145]) Ziriklī (ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd; ʻAmr ibn ʻUbayd ibn Bāb al-Taymī, Abū ʻUthmān al-Baṣrī; 80-144/699-761) |