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Dörrer, Anton, 1886-1968

LC control 89008475
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDörrer, Anton, 1886-1968
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Variant(s)Dörrer, Anton, b. 1886
Birth date1886-06-13
Death date1968-03-27
Place of birthInnsbruck (Austria)
Place of deathInnsbruck (Austria)
Profession or occupationHistorians Folklorists Librarians Archivists College teachers
Found inTiroler Umgangsspiele, 1957: t.p. (Anton Dörrer)
RLIN data base, 7/5/89 (hdg.: Dörrer, Anton, 1886- )
Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 16, 2019 (alias: Anton Dörrer; LCAuth identifier: nr89008475; VIAF identifier: 22389756; GND identifier: 11616977X; ISNI (P213): 0000000108786579; place of birth: Innsbruck; place of death: Innsbruck; country of citizenship: Austria; instance of: human; date of birth: +1886-06-13T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1968-03-27T00:00:00Z; employer: University of Innsbruck; given name: Anton; occupation: historian, university teacher, librarian, archivist; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 067522785; languages spoken or published: German; FAST-ID: 1816224; CONOR identifier: 185019235; SUDOC authorities: 115660267; BnF identifier: 145930992; sex or gender: male; description/label: aŭstra historiisto, Austria ajaloolane, Austrian historian, historiador austríac, historiador austríaco, historian austriak, historicus uit Oostenrijk , historien autrichien, istoric austriac, istoriste osteraices, jenavan Lösteränik, österreichischer Volkskundler und Historiker, staraí Ostarach, היסטוריון אוסטרי)