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Droit, Roger-Pol

LC control 89010022
LC classificationPQ2664.R55 S5
Personal name headingDroit, Roger-Pol
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Variant(s)Droit, Roger-Paul
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Old catalog heading: Droit, Roger Pol.
Found inPrésences de Schopenhauer, c1989: t.p. (Roger-Pol Droit)
LC in RLIN, 8-3-89 (hdg.: Droit, Roger Pol; usage: Roger-Pol Droit)
Greeks and Romans in the modern world, 1998: t.p. (Roger-Paul Droit)
What is the meaning of money?, 1998: t.p. (Roger-Paul Droit)
Author's personal website, viewed May 16, 2012 (Roger-Pol Droit; b. 1949 in Paris; agrégé de philosophie; writer, journalist, and researcher at Centre national de la recherche scientifique; editor of Présences de Schopenhauer; Les Grecs, les Romains et nous [English title: Greeks and Romans in the modern world]; and Comment penser l'argent? [English title: What is the meaning of money?])
Invalid LCCNn 99034276