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Bensell, Edmund Birckhead, 1842-

LC control 90000856
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBensell, Edmund Birckhead, 1842-
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Variant(s)Bensell, E. B. (Edmund Birckhead), 1842-
Bensell, Edmund Birckhead, b. 1842
Birth date1842
Found inArthur, T.S. The wonderful story of Gentle Hand, 1871: p. 51 (E.B. Bensell del)
Groce, G. N.Y. Hist. Soc. dict. of artists in Amer., 1957 (Edmund Birckhead Bensell; artist; b. 1842)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Bensell, Edmund Birckhead, b. 1842)