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Ochoa Sánchez, Arnaldo

LC control 90002820
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingOchoa Sánchez, Arnaldo
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Variant(s)Sánchez, Arnaldo Ochoa
Ochoa, Arnaldo
Birth date1932
Death date1989
Place of birthCuba
Profession or occupationSoldiers
Found inCausa 1/89 ... c1989: p. 11 (Arnaldo Ochoa Sánchez; Cuban general arrested and tried in 1989 on charges of drug trafficking and corruption)
Causa 1/89. Eng. Case 1/1989, c1989: p. 435 (Arnaldo Ochoa Sánchez; d. 07-13-89)
Mañón, M. Juicio a Fidel, 1990: p.40 (Arnaldo T. Ochoa Sánchez, b. 1932, Holguín, Cuba)
Conexión en Cuba, 1990: page 14 (Arnaldo Ochoa)
Associated languagespa