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Unger, Johann Friedrich, 1753-1804

LC control 90004808
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingUnger, Johann Friedrich, 1753-1804
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Unger, J. F. (Johann Friedrich), 1753-1804
Unger, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb, 1753-1804
Unger, Johann Friedrich
Associated countryGermany
LocatedBerlin (Germany)
Birth date1753
Death date1804
Profession or occupationPrinters Publishers and publishing Typographers Drafters Wood-engravers
Found inHis Prozess des Buchdrucker Unger gegen den Oberkonsistorialrath ZoĢˆllner ... c1985: t.p. (Johann Friedrich Unger) p. 5 (Berlin book publisher brought to trial in 1790 for publishing censored works)
Annalen der Juden in den preussischen Staaten besonders in der Mark Brandenburg, 1790: (DLC copy not examined)
NUC pre-1956, accessed via HathiTrust, April 18, 2023 vol. 17, p. 246, entry NA 0331753 imprint (Berlin, J. F. Unger, 1790)
VIAF, accessed April 18, 2023 VIAF ID: 44352619 ( Personal ) hdg. (Unger, Johann Friedrich, 1753-1804; born in Berlin, 26 August 1753, died 26 December 1804 in Berlin; Unger, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb, 1753-1804; Unger, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb; Unger, Johann Friedrich; Unger, Johann Friedrich (1755-1804); Johann Friedrich Unger, German printer and typographer; Unger, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb, ca. 1753-1804; Unger, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb (German draftsman, born 1753 or 1755, died 1804))