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Montémont, Albert, 1788-1861

LC control 90008612
Personal name headingMontémont, Albert, 1788-1861
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Variant(s)M. A. M. (Monsieur Albert Montémont), 1788-1861
M., M. A. (Monsieur Albert Montémont), 1788-1861
Savant, 1788-1861
Special noteHdg rev per Desc Pol
Found inHis Voyage aux Alpes et en Italie, 1988: t. 1, t.p. (Albert Montémont)
NUC pre-1956 (Montémont, Albert Étienne de, 1788-1861)
Thomas J. Universal pronouncing dict. of biog. and myth, 1897 (Montémont, Albert; French poet and writer of books on travel; b. 1788; d. ca. 1862)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Montémont, Albert, 1788-1861; usage: Albert Montémont; M. Albert Montémont; M.A.M.; a savant)