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Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810

LC control 90009897
Personal name headingCarrington, Edward, 1749-1810
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Variant(s)Carrington, Edw. (Edward), 1749-1810
Carrington, Colonel (Edward), 1749-1810
Found inUnited States. Revenue Office. The following is a concise statement of the act of Congress ... laying certain duties on distilled spirits, 1791: t.p. (Edw. Carrington, sup. for the district of Virginia)
Hopkins, G.E. Colonel Carrington of Cumberland, 1942: p. 5, etc. (Colonel Edward Carrington; soldier in Revolution; delegate to Continental Congress 1786-8; appointed marshal for U.S. District Court of Va. 1789; Supervisor of Revenue for Va. District for collection of excise tax from liquors; b. 2/11/1749; d. 10/28/1810)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810; usage: Edward Carrington; Edw. Carrington; note: b.d. 2/11/1748 in various ref. sources presumed to be old style)