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Bergdolt, Klaus

LC control 90010785
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBergdolt, Klaus
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Other standard no.110611472
Birth date1947-12-06
Death date2023-02-11
Place of birthStuttgart (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität zu Köln
Found inGhiberti, L. Der dritte Kommentar Lorenzo Ghibertis, c1988: t.p. (Klaus Bergdolt)
Der Schwarze Tod in Europa, c1994: t.p. (Klaus Bergdolt) jkt. (b. 1947; Direktor des Deutschen Studienzentrums in Venedig; Dr. med., ophthalmologist)
Wikidata, October 19, 2023 (date of birth: 1947-12-06, occupation: medical historian, university teacher; employer: University of Cologne; member of: North Rhine-Westphalia Academy for Sciences and Arts, Akademische Verbindung Igel Tübingen; place of birth: Stuttgart)