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Yashiro, Rokurō, 1860-1930

LC control 90015737
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingYashiro, Rokurō, 1860-1930
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)八代六郎, 1860-1930
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.
Found inJomini, H. Heijutsu yōron, 1903?: pref. (Yashiro Rokurō; Imperial Navy Captain)
Nihon Riku-Kaigun no seido (Yashiro Rokurō; b. 1/3/Manʼen 1; d. 6/30/Shōwa 5)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Yashiro, Rokurō, 1860-1930)
Web NDL authorities, October 9, 2024 (access point: 八代, 六郎, 1860-1930 = Yashiro, Rokurō, 1860-1930; reading)