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Caro-Delvaille, Henry, 1876-1928

LC control 90023311
Personal name headingCaro-Delvaille, Henry, 1876-1928
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Delvaille, Henry Caro-, 1876-1928
Found inHis Caro-Delvaille, c1910: p. 1 of cover (Henry Caro-Delvaille)
Bénézit, E. Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, 1948-1955: v. 2, p. 324 (Caro-Delvaille, Henry; French painter and engraver; b. 1876 in Bayonne, Lower Pyrenees)
Lessico univ. ital., 1968-1981: v. 4, p. 247 (Caro-Delvaille, Henry, painter; b. Bayonne, 1976, d. Paris 1928)