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Cragin, Aaron H. (Aaron Harrison), 1821-1898

LC control 90025918
Personal name headingCragin, Aaron H. (Aaron Harrison), 1821-1898
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Variant(s)Cragin, A. H. (Aaron Harrison), 1821-1898
Found inHis Speech of Hon. Aaron H. Cragin, of New Hampshire, on the Kansas question, 1858.
NUC pre-1956 (Cragin, Aaron Harrison, 1821-1898)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Cragin, Aaron H. (Aaron Harrison), 1821-1898; usage: Aaron H. Cragin; A.H. Cragin)
NUCMC data from Portsmouth Athenaeum for His Letters, 1885 (Cragin, Aaron Harrison; U.S. Representative from New Hampshire and attorney)
Bio. dir. of Congress, 1989 (Cragin, Aaron Harrison; b. Feb. 3, 1821; d. May 10, 1898; N.H. House of Representatives, 1852-1855, 1859; U.S. House of Representatives, 1855-1859; U.S. Senate, 1865-1877; attorney)