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Stuart, Robert Leighton, 1806-1882

LC control 91011490
Personal name headingStuart, Robert Leighton, 1806-1882
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Stuart, Robert L. (Robert Leighton), 1806-1882
LocatedNew York (N.Y.)
Birth date1806
Death date1882
Field of activitySugar trade
Profession or occupationBusinesspeople Philanthropists
Found inBuick, K.P. Eastman Johnson's "Old Kentucky home, Negro life at the South ..." 1990: p.2 (Robert L. Stuart)
NUC pre-56 (Stuart, Robert Leighton, 1806-1882)
Wikipedia, viewed December 11, 2019 : Robert L. Stuart (Robert Leighton Stuart [1806-1882], with his brother Alexander, owned the New York sugar refining business of R. L. & A. Stuart. They were philanthropists who donated most of their money to charitable causes. After his death his collection of books and art were bequeathed to the Lenox Library [which later became a part of the New York Public Library].)
Associated languageeng