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Bardeleben, Adolf, 1819-1895

LC control 91039972
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBardeleben, Adolf, 1819-1895
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bardeleben, Heinrich Adolf, 1819-1895
Bardeleben, Dr.
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1819
Death date1895
Place of birthFrankfurt (Oder) (Germany)
Place of deathBerlin (Germany)
Profession or occupationPhysicians Surgeons
Found inVolkmann, R. v. Letters received, 1867-1889 (Bardeleben)
Albert, E. Biog. lex., 1929: v. 1, p. 328 (Bardeleben, Heinrich Adolf; German surgeon; b. 3/1/1819; d. 9/24/1895)
His Lehrbuch der Chirurgie, 1874-1876: t.p. (Adolf Bardeleben)
Ein Fall von Chloroform-Tod, mitgetheilt von Geh. Med.-Rath Professor Dr. Bardeleben,1879 (DLC copy not examined)
VIAF, accessed July 10, 2023 VIAF ID: 37343214 ( Personal ) hdg. (Bardeleben, Adolf von 1819-1895; Bardeleben, Adolf; Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben; Bardeleben, Adolf, 1819-1895; Bardeleben, Heinrich Adolf von, 1819-1895; Bardeleben, Heinrich Adolf, 1819-1895; born March 1, 1819 in Frankfurt (Oder); died September 24, 1895 in Berlin; medical doctor, surgeon )