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Romano, Judah ben Moses ben Daniel, active 14th century

LC control 92027831
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRomano, Judah ben Moses ben Daniel, active 14th century
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Variant(s)Leone de Ser Daniel, active 14th century
Romano, Jehudàh ben Mošèh ben Dani'èl, active 14th century
Romano, Judah ben Moses ben Daniel, 14th cent.
Beginning date13
Found inHis La chiarificazione in volgare delle "espressioni difficili" ... 1990-: pt. 1, t.p. (Jehudàh ben Mošèh ben Dani'èl Romano) pref. (Rabbi Jehudàh ben Rabbi Mošèh ben Dani'èl Romano; wrote in 1st half of 14th century)
Enc. Jud. (Romano, Judah ben Moses ben Daniel; Leone de Ser Daniel; 14th cent.; It. philosopher and translator)