LC control no. | nr 92031458 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | ML420.P237 Biography |
Personal name heading | Papa Wemba |
Variant(s) | Wemba, Papa Wembadia, Shungu Wembiado, Shungu Wembeio, Shungu Kikumba, Jules Shungu Wembadaio Pene Thabani Kikumba, Jules Shungu Wembadio Pene |
Associated country | Congo (Democratic Republic) |
Located | Leopoldville (Congo) Paris (France) Kinshasa (Congo) |
Birth date | 1949-06-14 |
Death date | 2016-04-24 |
Place of birth | Lubefu (Congo) |
Place of death | Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) |
Field of activity | Soukous (Music) Rumbas--Congo (Democratic Republic) |
Affiliation | Viva la Musica (Musical group) UNICEF |
Profession or occupation | Singers Actors Composers |
Found in | His papa Wemba [SR] c1989, p1988: label (Papa Wemba) Graham, R. Stern's guide to contemporary African music: p. 206 (Wemba, Papa, b. Shungu Wembadia, Kasai, Zaire) La vie est belle [VR] c1987: opening credits, cast (Papa Wemba) All music guide WWW site, Apr. 16, 2001 (Papa Wemba; Shungu Wembadia; b. 1953, Kasai, Zaire) Ency. of pop. mus., 3rd ed. (Wemba, Papa; Shungu Wembiado; b. 1952, Kasai, Zaire) Lexis-Nexis database, Apr. 16, 2001: New York daily news, June 16, 1995, p. 55 (Papa Wemba; Shungu Wembeio) IMDb, June 23, 2010 (Papa Wemba; b. June 14, 1949, Belgian Congo; actor, composer) Dictionary of African Biography, accessed April 14, 2015, via Oxford African American Studies Center database: (Wemba, Papa; Jules Shungu Wembadaio Pene Thabani Kikumba; popular singer, humanitarian; born 14 June, 1949 in Lubefu, Democratic Republic of the Congo; sang in choir at St. Joseph's, Catholic church, Kinshasa; sang rumbas, American rock and soul music, then music with traditional Zairian elements (1974); organized band Viva La Musica (1977); was dressed in Western fashion, chief trendsetter, Society of Ambiance-Setters and Persons of Elegance (SAPE); starred with Viva La Musica, film La vie est belle (Life Is Beautiful) (1986); toured with Senegal's YoussouN'Dour (1990s); sang in World of Music, Arts, and Dance (WOMAD) Festival; participated in projects of International Committee of the Red Cross, for ethnic tolerance and against land mines; was convicted of involvement in a scheme to smuggle hundreds of people into France, spent four months in jail (2004); Mine Risk Education campaign of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) named him as its official "Ambassador Against Mines" (2007)) New York times WWW site, viewed Apr. 26, 2016 (in obituary published Apr. 25: Papa Wemba; Jules Shungu Wembadio Pene Kikumba; b. June 14, 1949, in the Kasai region of what was then the Belgian Congo, later Zaire and now the Democratic Republic of Congo; his family moved to the capital, then known as Léopoldville, when he was a child; d. Sunday [Apr. 24, 2016], aged 66, after collapsing onstage early that morning while performing in Abidjan, Ivory Coast; spent part of his career in France; had homes in Paris and Kinshasa; internationally renowned Congolese singer known as "the king of rumba rock" for his upbeat, vibrantly danceable numbers that fused African pop with a welter of world musics; sang in his native Lingala and in French; his music--a style originally called Congolese rumba, and in later years soukous, a word derived from the French secouer, "to shake"--melded traditional African and Caribbean rhythms with rock and soul) |
Associated language | fre lin |