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Edwards, John Cummins, 1804-1888

LC control 92034169
Personal name headingEdwards, John Cummins, 1804-1888
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Variant(s)Edwards, J. C. (John Cummins), 1804-1888
See alsoMissouri. Governor (1844-1848 : Edwards)
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Found inHis Speech of Mr. J.C. Edwards of Missouri, 1842
WwWA, hist. vol. (Edwards, John Cummins, gov. Mo., congressman; b. Ky. June 24, 1804; adm. to bar 1825; sec. of state Mo. 1830-35, 37; dist. judge Cole Co. (Mos.) 1832-37; U.S. H. of R. (Dem.) from Mo. 1841-43; gov. Mo. 1844-48; moved to Stockton, Calif. 1849; d. Calif. 1888)
Off. man. state of Mo., 1999-2000: p. 889 (John Cummins Edwards; b. June 24, 1806; d. Sept. 17, 1888; term, 1844-48)