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Vinken, Barbara, 1960-

LC control 92037012
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVinken, Barbara, 1960-
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LocatedBerlin (Germany)
Birth date1960
Place of birthHannover (Germany)
Profession or occupationAuthors, German College teachers
Found inHer Unentrinnbare Neugierde, c1991: t.p. (Barbara Vinken) cover p. 4 (b. 1960 in Hannover) Web site, viewed Sept. 2, 2004 (Barbara Vinken; b. 1960, Hannover; studied art history and literature at Freiburg, Paris, Yale U.; taught in US, Germany; since 1999, professor of Romanistik, Hamburg; lives in Berlin; writes on feminism, fashion)
Her Flaubert postsecular, 2015: ECIP t.p. (Barbara Vinken) data view (Professor of Literature and Romance Philology at the University of Munich)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNn 2002029834