LC control no. | nr 92039896 |
Personal name heading | Daniel, John Reeves Jones, 1802-1868 |
Variant(s) | Daniel, Mr. (John Reeves Jones), 1802-1868 Daniel, J. R. J. (John Reeves Jones), 1802-1868 |
Found in | His Speech of Mr. Daniel of North Carolina, 1846 WwWA, hist. vol. (Daniel, John Reeves Jones, congressman; b. N.C. Jan. 13, 1802; adm. to N.C. bar 1823; N.C. Ho. of Commons 1832-34; atty gen. N.C. 1834; U.S. Ho. of R. (Dem.) from N.C. 1841-53; settled near Shreveport, La. 1860; d. Shreveport June 22, 1868) RLIN database, 11-11-92 (hdg.: Daniel, John Reeves Jones, 1802-1868; usage: Hon. J.R.J. Daniel, Hon. John R.J. Daniel) |