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Mendoza, Francisco de, 1549-1623

LC control 93007686
Personal name headingMendoza, Francisco de, 1549-1623
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)De Mendoza, Francisco, 1549-1623
Admirant of Arragon, 1549-1623
Special noteData provided by the ESTC/BL
Found inA briefe relation, of what is hapned since the last of August 1598. by comming of the Spanish campe into the dukedom of Cleue, 1599: t.p. (the admirant of Arragon)
BM (Mendoza, Francisco de, Admiral of Aragon)
NUC pre-56 (Mendoza, Francisco de, 1549-1623)