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Butler, Josiah, 1779-1854

LC control 93008006
Personal name headingButler, Josiah, 1779-1854
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Variant(s)Butler, Mr. (Josiah), 1779-1854
Found inHis Resolution submitted by Mr. Butler, of New Hampshire. February 10, 1821, 1821.
Biog. dir. of the U.S. Congress, 1989 (Butler, Josiah; rep. from N.H.; grad, Harvard, 1803; teacher; lawyer; sheriff, Rockingham Co., N.H., 1810-13; clerk, Court of Common Pleas; mem., N.H. House, 1815-17; assoc. justice, State Court of Common Pleas, 1825-35; b. 12/4/1779; d. 10/27/1854)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Butler, Josiah, 1779-1854)