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Kretschmer, Robert, 1818-1872

LC control 93019924
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKretschmer, Robert, 1818-1872
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Kretschmer, R. (Robert), 1818-1872
Birth date1818
Death date1872
Special noteHdg rev per Desc Pol
Found inJackson, T. Our feathered friends, 1871: p. viii (R. Kretschmer; artist)
Beasts & birds in pictures and words, 1892: p. 100 (Robert Kretschmer)
RLIN database, 6/1/93 (hdg.: Kretschmer, Robert)
Havlice, P. Index to artistic biography, 1973 (Kretschmer, Robert, 1818-72; German painter)