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Vonnoh, Bessie Potter, 1872-1955

LC control 93027828
Personal name headingVonnoh, Bessie Potter, 1872-1955
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Variant(s)Vonnoh, Bessie Onahotema Potter, 1872-1955
Potter, Bessie O. (Bessie Onahotema), 1872-1955
Found inRLIN data base, 07/28/93 (hdg.: Vonnoh, Bessie Potter, 1872-1954; usage: Bessie Potter Vonnoh)
Brit. encyc. of Amer. art, 1973: p. 579 (Vonnoh, Bessie Potter; sculptor, wife of painter Robert William Vonnoh)
Havlice, P. Index to artistic biography, 1973: v. 2, p. 1297 (Vonnoh, Bessie Onahotema Potter; sculptor, painter, 1872-1954)
N. Amer. wom. artists of the 20th cent., 1995 (Vonnoh, Bessie Potter (1872-1955))
WwasW Amer., 1951/60 (Vonnoh, Bessie Potter (Keyes); b. Aug. 17, 1872; d. Mar. 9, 1955)
LCCN 93-502990 (245 field: Miss Bessie O. Potter)
Abridged biog. & geneal. master index, 1995 (Vonnoh, Bessie Potter, 1872-1955)