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Simavi, Sedat, 1896-1953

LC control 93032785
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSimavi, Sedat, 1896-1953
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryTurkey
Birth date1896
Death date1953-12-11
Place of birthIstanbul (Turkey)
Place of deathIstanbul (Turkey)
Field of activityJournalism
Profession or occupationJournalists Authors Cartoonists Motion picture producers and directors
Found inGökman, M. Sedat Simavi, 1970.
Işık, İ. Yazlarler sözlüğü, 1990 (Sedat Simavi; 1896-1953; journalist; est. 1933 the weekly Yedigün, 1948 the daily Hürriyet)
Wikipedia, viewed 17 April 2017: Sedat Simavi (Sedat Simavi, born 1896; died 11 December 1953 in Istanbul, Turkey; he was a journalist, author, and film director)
Vikipedi, viewed 17 April 2017: Sedat Simavi (Sedat Simavi, born 1896 in Istanbul, Turkey; died 11 December 1953 in Istanbul, Turkey; he was a journalist, author, caricaturist and film director)
Associated languagetur