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Haberlandt, Michael, 1860-1940

LC control 93045216
Personal name headingHaberlandt, Michael, 1860-1940
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Haberlandt, M. (Michael), 1860-1940
Ha-po-lan, 1860-1940
Habolan, 1860-1940
Found inHis Min chung hsüeh, 1990: p. 1 (Ha-po-lan)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Haberlandt, Michael, 1860-1940)
Panchatantra. Zur geschichte des Pancatantra, 1884- : v. 1, t.p. (Dr. Michael Haberlandt)
OCLC, Oct. 14, 2003 (hdg.: Haberlandt, Michael, 1860-1940; usage: Michael Haberlandt, Mich. Haberlandt, M. Haberlandt)
Invalid LCCNn 89193028