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Eames, Emma, 1865-1952

LC control 94003166
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEames, Emma, 1865-1952
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Variant(s)Story, Emma Eames, 1865-1952
Gorgoza, Emma Eames de, 1865-1952
Birth date1865-08-13
Death date1952-06-13
Place of birthShanghai (China)
Place of deathManhattan (New York, N.Y.)
Field of activityOpera
Profession or occupationSopranos (Singers)
Found inHer some memories and reflections, 1977: t.p. (Emma Eames)
LC in RLIN, 1-24-94 (hdg.: Eames, Emma, 1865-1952)
New Grove Dict. of Opera (Eames, Emma, b. 8-13-1865, d. 6-13-1952; American soprano)
Wikipedia, October 27, 2021 (Emma Eames, b. Shanghai, China, August 13, 1865; d. Manhattan, June 13, 1952; American soprano; married to Julian Russell Story (1857-1919), 1891-1907, and Emilio de Gogorza (1872-1949), 1911-1936)