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Falco, Jean-Michel di, 1941-

LC control 94004862
Personal name headingFalco, Jean-Michel di, 1941-
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Variant(s)Di Falco, Jean-Michel, 1941-
Falco-Léandri, Jean-Michel, 1941-
Found inHis Le gàrri, c1992: t.p. (Jean-Michel di FALCO; père) p. 17 (b. 11-25-1941 in Marseille, France; son of Italian immigrants) cover p. 4 (Catholic priest, ord. in 1968)
LC in RLIN, 2-8-94 (MLC hdg.: Di Falco, Jean-Michel)
Benoîte Rencurel, c2008: t.p. (Jean-Michel di Falco-Léandri)