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Jones, Slick, 1907-1969

LC control 94006143
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJones, Slick, 1907-1969
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Jones, Wilmore, 1907-1969
Found inJam session broadcast [SR] 196-: container (Wilmore "Slick" Jones, drums; consistently referred to in notes as "Slick" Jones)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Jones, Slick [Wilmore], b. Roanoke, VA, 4-13-1907, d. New York, 11-2-1969; drummer)
LCCN 89-754049: Armstrong, L. Louis Armstrong, Jimmie Noone, 196-?
Invalid LCCNno 98009971