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El Burgo de Osma (Spain)

LC control 94015969
Geographic headingEl Burgo de Osma (Spain)
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Geographic subdivision usageSpain--El Burgo de Osma
Variant(s)Osma, Burgo de (Spain)
Burgo de Osma (Spain)
Found inBeatus, Saint, Presbyter of Liebana. Expositio im Apocalisim, 1992: commentary vol., p. 7, 1st sequence (Catedral de El Burgo de Osma)
Columbia Lippincott gazetteer of the world, 1952 (Burgo de Osma, El, town in Soria province, N. Central Spain, in Old Castile, with 13th-century cathedral)
Enciclopedia universal ilustrada, [1907?]-c1930 (Burgo de Osma (El))
El Burgo de Osma, 1997: p. 7 (in the province of Soria)
BGN gaz., Spain, 1961 (El Burgo de Osma; ppl; 41°35ʹN, 3°04ʹW; in the province of Soria)
Geographic area codee-sp---