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Schmitz, Christine

LC control 94027047
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSchmitz, Christine
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Field of activityClassical philology Latin literature--History and criticism
AffiliationUniversität Münster
Profession or occupationClassicists Philologists College teachers
Found inDie kosmische Dimension in den Tragödien Senecas, 1993: t.p. (Christine Schmitz)
Juvenal, 2019: title page (Christine Schmitz) page 4 of cover (Christine Schmitz; professor of classical philology and Latin at the Universität Münster; research interests: Roman satire and its medieval reception; ancient epic poetry, epigrams (Martial), ancient novels (Apuleius), myth and literature, reception of ancient mythology; Latin poetry of late antiquity and the Renaissance)
Associated languageger