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Forti, Simone

LC control 94041911
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3556.O74938
Personal name headingForti, Simone
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Variant(s)Morris, Simone
Whitman, Simone
Birth date1935
Field of activityDance
Profession or occupationChoreographers
Found inHer Handbook of motion, c1974: t.p. (Simone Forti)
LC in RLIN, 12/9/94 (hdg.: Forti, Simone; usage: Simone Forti)
Koegler, H. Concise Oxford dict. of ballet, 1991 (Forti, Simone; b. Florence, 1935; Ital.-Amer. dancer and choreographer; began to perform in early 1960s with her then husband painter Robert Morris)
NN-PD Dance Coll. files (while married to Robert Morris known as Simone Morris, 1956 to early 1960s; after her marriage to Bob Whitman known as Simone Whitman, late 1960s; since early 1970s calls herself Simone Forti) website, viewed August 2, 2016: Simone Forti page (Simone Forti, born 1935, is an Italian American postmodern artist, dancer, choreographer, and writer)