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Bacci, Michele

LC control 94042859
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBacci, Michele
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Associated countryItaly Switzerland
Associated placeFribourg (Switzerland)
Birth date1970-06-17
Place of birthPisa (Italy)
Field of activityArt, Medieval
AffiliationUniversité de Fribourg
Profession or occupationMedievalists Art historians
Found inEredità del Magnifico : Museo nazionale del Bargello, 19 giugno-30 dicembre 1992, 1992: page vii (schede di Michele Bacci [and others])
"Pro remedio animae" : immagini sacre e pratiche devozionali in Italia centrale (secoli XIII e XIV), 2000: title page (Michele Bacci) jacket flap (born 1970 in Pisa)
The holy portolano : the sacred geography of navigation in the Middle Ages, 2014: ECIP title page (Michele Bacchi) data view (Bacci, Michele; born June 17, 1970) book title page (Michele Bacci [co-editor])
The mystic cave: a history of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, 2017: title page (Michele Bacci)
Université de Fribourg website, viewed February 7, 2019: link to Directory page (Michele Bacci, Full Professor of Medieval Art; he received his Ph. D. in 1999 from the Scuola normale superiore, Pisa; author of "Pro remedio animae"; contributor to The holy portolano; author of The mystic cave)
Associated languageita eng fre