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Delgado, Mariano, 1955-

LC control 95004293
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDelgado, Mariano, 1955-
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Other standard no.0000000117009421
Birth date1955
Profession or occupationChurch historians Theologians College teachers
Found inIhre Armut macht uns reich, c1992: t.p. (Mariano Delgado) cover p. 4 (Dr. theol., b. 1955)
Die Kirchenkritik der Mystiker, 2004: t.p. (Mariano Delgado ) back cover (prof. of church history at UniversiteĢ de Fribourg, Switzerland)
Die grossen Metaphern des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, c2013: t.p. (Mariano Delgado)