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Lerner, Joseph Judah, 1849-1907

LC control 95010502
Personal name headingLerner, Joseph Judah, 1849-1907
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Variant(s)Lerner, Yosef Yehudah, 1849-1907
Lerner, O. M., 1849-1907
לערנער, יוסף יהודה
לערנער, יוסף יהודה, 1849-1907
לערנער, י. י.
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inDoresh el ha-metim, 1868: t.p. (Yosef Yehudah Lerner) added t.p. (O.M. Lernera [in Cyr.])
Ency. Judaica, c1971 (Lerner, Joseph Judah, 1849-1907; writer, dramatist and scholar)