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Oettingen, Hans von, 1919-1983

LC control 95015657
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingOettingen, Hans von, 1919-1983
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Variant(s)Von Oettingen, Hans, 1919-1983
See alsoFor works of this author written under pseudonyms, search also under Mellin, Alexander von, 1919-1983 and Reichenberg, H. G. von, 1919-1983.
Alternate identity: Mellin, Alexander von, 1919-1983
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Alternate identity: Reichenberg, H. G. von, 1919-1983
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Birth date1919
Death date1983
Profession or occupationMystery writer
Writer for television
Found inAbenteuer meines Lebens, 1981: title page (Hans von Oettingen)
LC in RLIN, 4-21-95 (heading.: Oettingen, Hans von)
Der Struwwelpeter, 1948: cover (neu gezeichnet von H.v.O.) page 4 of cover (copyright by Hans von Oettingen)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in VIAF, December 7, 2012: (heading: Oettingen, Hans von; other names: Oettingen, Hans-Georg von; Mellin, Alexander von (pseudonym); Reichenberg, H. G. von (pseudonym); EĢ‡ttingen, Gans fon (Russian form of name))
Associated languageger