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Sicher, Gustav

LC control 95017244
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSicher, Gustav
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1880-08-21
Death date1960-10-06?
Found inJewish studies, 1955: t.p. (Dr. Gustav Sicher; chief rabbi of Prague)
Peterová, Zuzana. Rabín Gustav Sicher, 2014: (Hebrew name: Binjamin Zeev ha-Levi; b. August 21, 1880 in Klatovy; d. October 6, 1960)
NKC in VIAF, October 16, 2015 (hdg.: Sicher, Gustav, 1880-1960; b. August 21, 1880 in Klatovy; d. October 5, 1960 in Prague; PhDr., Chief Rabbi of Prague and of the province of Bohemia after World War II; renewed religious life in communities after the Holocaust; translated the Pentateuch into Czech; author of reflections and essays)
Associated languagecze