LC control no. | nr 95023769 |
Geographic heading | Corridonia (Italy) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Italy--Corridonia |
Variant(s) | Montolmo (Italy) Pausula (Italy) |
Found in | Montolmo e centri vicini ... 1991: t.p. (Corridonia) Times atlas of the world, 9th ed. (Corridonia, Italy; 43.14N, 13.30E) Il rione "levantino," 1994: p, 7 (in 1851 name changed from Montolmo to Pausula, name changed to Corridonia in 1931) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 43°15ʹ04ʺN 013°30ʹ32ʺE) |
Geographic area code | e-it--- |