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Giuliani, Rudolph W

LC control 95032260
Personal name headingGiuliani, Rudolph W.
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Giuliani, Rudy
Dzhuliani, Rudolʹf U.
Kilyān̲i, Ruṭālk̲ap
Found inPreliminary strategic policy statement, 1994: t.p. (Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mayor, City of New York)
What will you be, c1998: t.p. (Mayor Rudy Giuliani) p. 30 (b. in Brooklyn, NY, 05/28/44; mayor of NYC)
Lider, 2004: t.p. (Rudolʹf U. Dzhuliani)
Ruṭālk̲ap Kilyān̲i : cari, vā viḷaiyāṭalām, 2006: p. 4 of cover (Mayor, New York City)
Invalid LCCNn 99025641 n 2002119811