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Dimakopoulos, Dimitri, 1929-1995

LC control 95042235
Personal name headingDimakopoulos, Dimitri, 1929-1995
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Found inCaQMCCA files, 11/13/1995 (Dimitri Dimakopoulos; one of the founding members of ARCOP; d. 11/07/1995)
Canadian architectural directory 1994, c1994: p. 133 (Dimakopoulos, Dimitri; Montréal, Québec)
Canadian WW 1995, c1995: p. 306 (Dimakopoulos, Dimitri; b. Athens, Greece, 09/14/1929)
Not found inNLC, 03/15/1995; RLIN ARF, 11/13/1995