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Kronfeld, E. M. (Ernst Moritz), 1865-1942

LC control 96022701
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKronfeld, E. M. (Ernst Moritz), 1865-1942
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Kronfeld, Ernst Moritz, 1865-1942
Kronfeld, Ernst Moriz, 1865-1942
Kronfeld, M. (Moritz), 1865-1942
Kronfeld, Mauritius, 1865-1942
Kronfeld, Moritz, 1865-1942
Other standard no.Q1359544
Birth date1865-06-03
Death date1942-03-16
Found inTheateranekdoten, c1923: t.p. (E.M. Kronfeld)
RLIN, 6-19-96 (hdgs.: Kronfeld, Ernst Moriz, 1865-; Kronfeld, E. M. (Ernst Moritz), 1865-1942; Kronfeld, E. M.; usage: E.M. Kronfeld; M. Kronfeld; Moritz Kronfeld; E. M. K. Kronfeld; Mauritius Kronfeld)
Wikidata, January 21, 2025 (place of birth: Lviv; place of death: Vienna; instance of: human; occupation: botanist, journalist, mycologist; date of birth: +1865-06-03T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1942-03-16T00:00:00Z; country of citizenship: Austria; given name: Ernst, Moriz; sex or gender: male; languages spoken or published: German; sibling: Adolf Kronfeld; surname: Kronfeld; Commons category: Ernst Moriz Kronfeld; alias: Ernst Moriz Kronfeld, Kronf.; description/label: aŭstra botanikisto, Austria botaanik, Austrian botanist, botànic austríac, botaniciste osteraices, botánico austríaco, botanicus uit Oostenrijk, Botaniker und Journalist, botanist austriac, botanist austriak, botaniste autrichien, luibheolaí Ostarach, בוטנאי אוסטרי, عالم نبات نمساوي)