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Giral, Sergio

LC control 97035486
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGiral, Sergio
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Associated countryCuba
Birth date1937
Place of birthHavana (Cuba)
AffiliationInstituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográfica
Profession or occupationMotion picture producers and directors Radio journalists
Found inLa imagen rota, c1995: credits (un filme de Sergio Giral; director, Sergio Giral; screenplay, Sergio Giral)
Quíen es quíen en el teatro y el cine español e hispanoamericano, c1990 (Giral, Sergio; Cuban film director and writer)
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience, Second Edition, accessed January 30, 2015, via Oxford African American Studies Center database: (Giral, Sergio; motion picture producer / director, broadcast journalist, documentary filmmaker; born in 1937 in Havana, Cuba; studied at the Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficas (Cuban Institute for the Arts and Film Industry) or ICAIC (1961); famous films include, a slave trilogy - El otro Francisco (The Other Francisco), El rancheador (The Slave Hunter), and Maluala, followed by Techo de vidrio (Glass Ceiling) (1974, 1976, 1979,1982); directed Plácido, about the nineteenth-century black Cuban poet and patriot Gabriel Plácido Valdés (1986) ; most important full-length filmis María Antonia; famous for depicting how Afro-Cuban myth and Cuban history interact through cinematic language (1990))