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Veatch, John A. (John Allen), 1808-1870

LC control 98013178
Personal name headingVeatch, John A. (John Allen), 1808-1870
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Variant(s)Veatch, J. A. (John Allen), 1808-1870
Found inStatement and reports concerning the Uncle Sam Senior and Gold Cañon silver lodes, 1865: p. 7 (Dr. John A. Veatch)
Veatch, A. The Veatch family in Amer., 1904: p. 6, etc. (Dr. John Allen Veatch; surveyor; physician; miner; president of Portland, Ore. College; b. March 5, 1808; d. 1870)
MWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Veatch, John A. (John Allen), 1808-1870; usage: John A. Veatch; J.A. Veatch)