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Capocci, Niccolò, -1368

LC control 98038649
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCapocci, Niccolò, -1368
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Variant(s)Capocci, Niccolò, d. 1368
Cappochi, Nicolas, -1368
Death date1368
Found inDiz. bio. degli Italiani (Capocci, Niccolò; b. near the end of the 13th cent.) p. 601 (named cardinal in 1350) p. 602 (d. at Montefiascone, July 26, 1368)
Dict. des cardinaux, 1857: p. 617 (Cappochi, Nicolas; named cardinal in 1350) p. 618 (d. at Monte-Fiascone July 10, 1368)