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Braun, Maximilian

LC control 98040744
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBraun, Maximilian
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Associated countryGermany
Associated placeMunich (Germany)
Birth date1965-08-07
Death date2015-07-07
AffiliationUniversität München
Profession or occupationClassicists
University and college faculty members
ger grc lat
Found inDie "Eumeniden" des Aischylos und der Areopag, 1998: title page (Maximilian Braun)
Moribus antiquis res stat Romana : römische Werte und römische Literatur im 3. und 2. Jh. v. Chr., 2000: title page (Maximilian Braun [co-editor]) page 373 (born 1965)
German Wikipedia, viewed June 29, 2020 (Maximilian Braun (Philologe); Maximilian Braun; born August 7, 1965; died July 7, 2015; German classicist; studied in Munich and Oxford; obtained his doctorate at Munich in 1997; after teaching in Dresden, he joined the faculty in Munich in 2005)