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Innocent VII, Pope, 1336-1406

LC control 98041933
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingInnocent VII, Pope, 1336-1406
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Variant(s)De' Meliorati, Cosmato, 1336-1406
De' Migliorati, Cosimo, 1336-1406
Innocenzo VII, Pope, 1336-1406
Meliorati, Cosmato de', 1336-1406
Migliorati, Cosimo de', 1336-1406
See alsoCatholic Church. Pope (1404-1406 : Innocent VII)
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Birth date1336
Death date1406
Found inInnocenzo VII, 1996: p. 9 (Cosmato de' Meliorati, il papa Innocenzo VII; b. 1336, d. 1406; Pope from 1404-1406)
RLIN, Nov. 18, 1998 (hdg.: Innocent VII, Pope, ca. 1336-1406; usage: Innocent VII, Innocenzo VII)
Britannica online, Nov. 18, 1998 (Innocent VII, b. Cosimo de' Migliorati, Sulmona, Italy, 1336; d. Rome, Nov. 6, 1406)