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Sander, Gerald G

LC control 98043041
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSander, Gerald G.
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Birth date19660326
Place of birthHamburg (Germany)
Field of activityLaw
Profession or occupationLawyers College teachers
Found inDer Rundfunkbegriff im Wandel der Medien, c1997: title page (Gerald G. Sander) page 198 (Rechtsassessor Gerald G. Sander, M.A., Mag.rer.publ., Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Tübingen)
Freihandel und Umweltschutz, c2005: title page (Gerald G. Sander) cover (born 1966 in Hamburg)
Wikipedia, German, via WWW, September 25, 2013 (Dr. iur. Gerald G. Sander; born March 26, 1966 in Hamburg; German lawyer; professor at the Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen Ludwigsburg)
Security - threats, law and organization, 2019: title page (Gerald G. Sander) back cover (Gerald G. Sander; Professor of Public Law at the University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg/Germany.)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNn 2006087308