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Moser, Lukas, active 1432

LC control 99010851
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMoser, Lukas, active 1432
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Moser, Lucas, active 1432
Moser, Lukas, fl. 1432
Beginning date1432
Found inDie Venus von Giorgione, c1998: p. 44 ("... der Altar, den Lukas Moser 1432 für Tiefenbronn gemalt hat")
Thieme-Becker, 1907- (Moser, Lukas; name inscribed on Magdalenenaltar of 1431 in Tiefenbronn)
Bénézit, 1976 (Moser, Lucas; known for a single work, the Retable of Sainte Madeleine, 1431, in Tiefenbronn; mentioned as living in Ulm in 1402 and 1434)